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Get Hooked on African Night Crawlers: The Ultimate Guide to Composting Worms

If you're looking for a versatile and efficient composting worm, the African Nightcrawler may be just what you need. These worms are native to South Africa but are now common in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. They are known for their quick reproduction rate, making them easy to grow and maintain.

Unlike some other composting worms, African Nightcrawlers prefer warmer temperatures and need to be kept above 60°F for long periods of time. They also require air circulation and a moist, but not overly wet, environment. With the right care, these worms can produce high volumes of amazing-looking worm castings that are perfect for fertilizing your plants.

At our composting facility, we've had great success using African Nightcrawlers to break down organic waste and create nutrient-rich soil amendments. If you're interested in starting your own composting operation or just want to learn more about these fascinating creatures, read on to discover everything you need to know about African Nightcrawler composting worms.

(Note: This article is part of our Worm Farming Series, check out Worm Farming 101 for a starting point for even even more worm farming information! We have also have worm articles about Red Wigglers and European Night Crawlers for even more choices!)

What are African Night Crawler Composting Worms?

Composting worms are a type of earthworm that are specifically used to break down organic matter into nutrient-rich compost. African Night Crawlers, also known as Eudrilus Eugeniae, are a popular type of composting worm that are native to South Africa but can be found in warm and tropical regions around the world.

These worms are known for their ability to reproduce quickly and efficiently, making them a great choice for those looking to start a composting project. They are also able to tolerate hotter temperatures than other types of composting worms, making them well-suited for tropical climates.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when working with African Night Crawlers is their specific environmental needs. These worms require a moist and warm environment, with temperatures between 70-80°F (21-27°C) and a pH level between 6.0-7.0. It's important to monitor these conditions closely to ensure that the worms remain healthy and productive.

When it comes to composting, African Night Crawlers are excellent at breaking down a variety of organic materials, including food scraps, yard waste, and even paper products. They are also able to produce high-quality compost quickly, which can be used to enrich soil and promote plant growth.

Overall, African Night Crawlers are a great choice for those looking to start a composting project in a tropical or warm climate. With their ability to reproduce quickly, tolerate heat, and break down a variety of organic materials, these worms are a valuable addition to any composting setup.

Benefits of Using African Night Crawler Composting Worms

When it comes to composting, using African Night Crawler Composting Worms can be extremely beneficial. These worms are not only great for composting, but they also have a number of other benefits that make them a great choice for gardeners and compost enthusiasts alike.

One of the biggest benefits of using African Night Crawlers is that they produce high-quality worm castings. These castings are rich in nutrients and can help improve soil structure and aeration, making it healthier for plants. In fact, worm castings have been shown to be more effective at improving plant growth than many commercial fertilizers.

African Night Crawlers are also very efficient at breaking down organic matter. They have a huge appetite and can eat up to 150% of their own body weight each day if given the proper environment and proper amount of food. This means that they can help speed up the composting process, which is great for those who want to produce compost quickly.

Another benefit of using African Night Crawlers is that they are heat tolerant. This means that they can survive in higher temperatures than many other types of composting worms. This makes them a great choice for those who live in warmer climates or who want to compost during the summer months.

Finally, African Night Crawlers are very easy to care for. They require a moist, but not overly wet, environment and need bedding and food. They also need air circulation and must stay warm, so it's important to keep them in a suitable location.

Overall, using African Night Crawler Composting Worms can be a great choice for those who want to compost at home. They produce high-quality worm castings, are efficient at breaking down organic matter, are heat tolerant, and are easy to care for. If you're looking for a great composting worm, African Night Crawlers are definitely worth considering.

How to Raise African Night Crawler Composting Worms

Choosing the Right Bedding

When it comes to raising African Night Crawler Composting Worms, choosing the right bedding is crucial. The bedding provides the worms with a comfortable environment to live and breed in. We recommend using a mixture of shredded newspaper, cardboard, and coconut coir as bedding. Avoid using glossy paper or cardboard as it can be harmful to the worms.

Make sure to moisten the bedding before adding the worms. The bedding should be damp but not soaking wet. African Night Crawlers need moisture to breathe, but too much moisture can drown them. We suggest using a spray bottle to moisten the bedding.

Feeding the Worms

Feeding your African Night Crawler Composting Worms is easy. They eat a variety of organic materials, including fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Avoid feeding them meat, dairy, or oily foods, as these can attract pests and cause odor issues.

Make sure to chop up the food scraps into small pieces before adding them to the worm bin. This makes it easier for the worms to digest the food. We recommend adding food scraps to one side of the worm bin and leaving the other side empty. This allows the worms to migrate to the side with food, making it easier to harvest the worm castings later on.

Maintaining the Right Temperature

African Night Crawler Composting Worms thrive in temperatures between 70-80°F. If you're keeping your worms indoors, make sure to place the worm bin in a location that stays within this temperature range. If the temperature drops below 70°F, the worms will become sluggish and may stop breeding. If the temperature rises above 80°F, the worms may become stressed and die.

If you're keeping your worms outdoors, make sure to provide shade during the hot summer months. You can also insulate the worm bin during the winter months to keep the worms warm.

By following these simple tips, you can raise healthy and productive African Night Crawler Composting Worms. Happy composting!

Comparison with Other Composting Worms

Red Wigglers

Red wigglers, also known as red worms, are a popular choice for vermicomposting. They are smaller in size compared to African Nightcrawlers, but reproduce quickly and are efficient at breaking down organic matter. They prefer a cooler environment, with an optimal temperature range of 59-77°F. They are also sensitive to moisture levels and require a well-draining bedding material.

Compared to African Nightcrawlers, red wigglers have a higher reproduction rate and can consume up to half of their body weight in food per day. However, they are not as tolerant of extreme temperatures and require a more controlled environment.

European Nightcrawlers

European Nightcrawlers, also known as dendrobaenas, are another popular composting worm. They are larger in size compared to red wigglers and have a reddish-brown color. They are also more tolerant of cooler temperatures, with an optimal range of 59-77°F.

Compared to African Nightcrawlers, European Nightcrawlers have a slower reproduction rate and consume less food per day. However, they are still efficient at breaking down organic matter and are a good alternative for those who live in a cooler environment.

Overall, each type of composting worm has its own unique characteristics and benefits. Red wigglers are great for those who want a high reproduction rate and efficient breakdown of organic matter, while European Nightcrawlers are better suited for cooler environments. African Nightcrawlers, on the other hand, are larger in size and have a voracious appetite, making them a great choice for larger composting projects.

Uses of African Night Crawler Composting Worms

When it comes to composting, African Night Crawler worms are some of the best worms out there. They are voracious eaters, consuming more than their body weight in food per day. This makes them great for disposing of large amounts of kitchen waste.


These worms can be used in composting bins and worm farms to produce rich worm castings. African Night Crawlers prefer warmer temperatures, so they do well in compost bins where their thinner skin is more protected. They eat more and therefore process more material and produce more castings when temperatures are 70-degrees or above.

One of the benefits of using African Night Crawlers for composting is that they produce a large amount of body waste that can enrich soil quality. This makes it more suitable for crop production. Their castings are rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for plant growth.


African Night Crawlers are also commonly used as bait for fishing. They are larger than other worm species, making them a popular choice for catching bigger fish. They are also hardy and can survive for longer periods of time in water, making them great for fishing trips.

When using African Night Crawlers as bait, it's important to keep them cool and moist to prevent them from drying out. They can be stored in a container with damp newspaper or peat moss to keep them moist.

In conclusion, African Night Crawlers are versatile worms that can be used for both composting and fishing. They are easy to care for and can provide a variety of benefits for gardeners and anglers alike.


After learning about African Night Crawler Composting Worms, we can confidently say that they are an excellent choice for those looking to start their own composting operation. These worms are easy to care for, reproduce quickly, and are incredibly efficient at breaking down organic matter into nutrient-rich soil.

One of the biggest advantages of African Night Crawlers is their ability to thrive in warm and sub-tropical regions. This makes them a great option for those who live in areas with higher temperatures. Additionally, they are larger and more muscular than other types of composting worms, making them a great choice for those who want to harvest worm castings for their gardens.

While there are other types of composting worms available, African Night Crawlers stand out for their unique characteristics and benefits. They are a great investment for anyone looking to start their own composting operation and improve the health of their soil.

Overall, we highly recommend African Night Crawler Composting Worms for anyone interested in composting. With their quick reproduction rate, temperature preferences, and ability to produce high-quality worm castings, they are a valuable addition to any composting system.