Regenerative Soil Amendments

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Sea-90 Fertilizer: Quick Soil Revival, Unique Minerals!

Ever wondered why ocean plants and sea life are so robust and healthy? The secret lies in the sea water and sea minerals, and now, this secret can be yours with Sea-90. This isn't just another fertilizer; it's a game-changer for your garden or farm, packed with the magic of ocean minerals.

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Sea-90's story starts with Dr. Maynard Murray's groundbreaking research. He discovered the missing link in our soil: minerals from the depths of the ocean. Imagine bringing this oceanic treasure to your backyard! Sea-90 does exactly that, rejuvenating your soil with fresh sea water richness and perfect mineral balance.

Why is this important? Over time, soil loses its nutrient power, leading to weaker plants and less nutrient density in produce. But here's the good news: Sea-90 can reverse this! It's like a mineral boost that recharges your soil, making your plants healthier and more productive.

We always get our Sea-90 straight from the source, and we'll guide you to their website for the best deals and insights. But hey, if you're an Amazon shopper, don't worry - we've got you covered with easy links to grab your Sea-90 right from there.

Ready to dive deeper and transform your soil with the power of the ocean? Keep reading, and let's explore how Sea-90 can make your green dreams a reality.

This article may contain affiliate links, both to Amazon and other sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

(Note: This article is part of our series on rock dust and soil remineralization. Please check out that series to see the many substances that can be used to reintroduce minerals to your soil. This will improve the vigor of your soil and garden.)

What is Sea-90 Fertilizer?

If you're looking for a natural way to improve your soil's health and fertility, you might have heard of Sea-90. But what is it exactly? In this section, we'll explore the composition and history of Sea-90.


Sea-90 is a soil remineralization product made from ocean minerals. It's not just plain old sodium chloride like table salt. It contains over 90 minerals and trace elements in a balanced ratio, making it an excellent source of nutrients for plants. Some of the key minerals found in Sea-90 include:

Nutrient Benefits for Plants Benefits for Soil Ecosystem
Magnesium Vital for chlorophyll production, improves photosynthesis Enhances soil structure, improves nutrient availability
Calcium Strengthens plant cell walls, improves nutrient uptake Neutralizes acidic soils, promotes microbial activity
Potassium Regulates plant metabolism, improves water use efficiency Balances soil pH, aids in nutrient transport
Sulfur Essential for protein synthesis, improves root growth Improves soil texture, essential for certain amino acids
Iron Crucial for chlorophyll production, improves disease resistance Vital for soil microorganisms, improves soil fertility
Manganese Important for enzyme systems, aids in chlorophyll production Activates soil enzymes, contributes to nutrient cycling
Zinc Necessary for growth hormone production, enhances stress resistance Improves soil health, essential for small organism growth
Copper Key in several enzyme processes, strengthens plant resistance Involved in soil biochemical processes, enhances fertility

Sea-90 is different from other soil amendments. It is not processed or refined. This means it keeps all the natural minerals and trace elements that soil bacteria, enzymes, and fungi need. Plus, it contains organic humate, which helps improve plant nutrient uptake.


Maynard Murray, a medical doctor and farmer, developed Sea-90. He believed that mineral-rich soil was essential for healthy crops. Murray studied soil and plants and through extensive research found that many soils lacked important minerals. He also discovered that seawater had all the necessary minerals for plant growth.

Murray tested ocean minerals on his farm and saw that they improved soil health and fertility. He called his approach "Sea Energy Agriculture" and promoted the use of ocean minerals in farming.

Today, several companies produce Sea-90. Farmers and gardeners worldwide use it to improve soil health and plant growth. It can be applied directly to the soil or dissolved and sprayed on plants in small amounts.

In summary, Sea-90 is a natural product made from ocean minerals that remineralizes soil. It contains over 90 minerals and trace elements in a balanced ratio, providing plants with essential nutrients. Its history goes back to the work of Maynard Murray MD, who believed that mineral-rich soil was crucial for healthy crops. By using Sea-90, we can enhance soil health, keep soil fertility, and grow healthier, more nutritious plants.

Benefits of Using Sea-90 Fertilizer for Soil Remineralization

If you're looking for a natural and effective way to remineralize your soil, Sea-90 is the perfect solution. This product is made from natural sea salt. It is unrefined and has over 90 minerals and trace elements. These trace minerals and elements are important for plants to grow healthily. Here are just a few of the many benefits of using Sea-90 for soil remineralization:

Improving Soil Health

Sea-90 improves soil health. It balances soil pH, making it more alkaline and less acidic. This reduces soil compaction, improves soil structure, and increases water retention. Sea-90 also increases microorganism activity in soil. This helps break down organic matter and release nutrients for plants.

Increasing Crop Yield

Using Sea-90 for soil remineralization has a big benefit: it can increase crop yield. Sea-90 has minerals and trace elements that plants need to grow. By giving your plants these nutrients, you can help them grow bigger, stronger, and more productive. Sea-90 can also improve the flavor and nutrition of your crops, making them more appealing to consumers.

Reducing Erosion

Using Sea-90 for soil remineralization has a benefit: it can reduce erosion. Sea-90 contains minerals and trace elements that can strengthen the root systems of your plants. This helps to hold the soil in place and prevent erosion. Sea-90 also improves soil structure, reducing runoff and erosion during heavy rainstorms.

Sea-90 is a great option for improving soil health and increasing crop productivity. It can benefit gardeners, farmers, and hydroponic growers. Give it a try and see the results.

How to Use Sea-90 Fertilizer for Soil Remineralization

At its core, Sea-90 is a natural mineral supplement that can help to remineralize depleted soils. It contains a full spectrum of minerals and trace elements that are essential for plant growth and health. Here's how to use Sea-90 concentrate to improve your garden soils:

Application Methods

Sea-90 can be applied to garden soils in a variety of ways, including:

  • Broadcast application: Spread Sea-90 directly onto the soil surface and then till it in to a depth of 4-6 inches.

  • Foliar spray: Dissolve Sea-90 in water and then spray it directly onto the leaves of plants. This method is especially useful for hydroponic gardens.

  • Mixed into soil mixes: Add Sea-90 to potting soil mixes or other soil blends to ensure plants receive all the minerals they need.

Application Rate

The recommended dosage of Sea-90 depends on the type of soil you're working with and the specific needs of your plants. Here are some general guidelines, but refer to the bag for specific quantities:

  • Garden soils: For garden soils, apply 1 lb of Sea-90 per 100 square feet annually (43 lbs per acre). For best results, divide this amount into two applications: one in the spring and one in the fall.

  • Hydroponics: For hydroponic gardens, use 1/2 tsp per gallon of nutrient solution. Apply the solution with the hydroponic nutrients.

  • Foliar spray: For foliar spray applications on hay or forage crops, use 1/2 tsp per gallon at green-up and after each cutting or rotation.

It's important to note that Sea-90 is not a complete fertilizer and should not be used as a replacement for other soil amendments containing. It can also not replace your macro nutrients (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous). Instead, it should be used in conjunction with other soil amendments to ensure plants receive all the nutrients they need to thrive.

Sea-90 is an excellent way to add minerals to worn-out soil and help plants grow better. Use it correctly and mix it in the right amounts to make sure your garden has healthy, lively plants.

Where to buy Sea-90 Ocean Minerals Organic Fertilizer

We prefer to buy Sea-90 right from the source: They have a variety of solutions for all of the needs previously covered. We’ll point you to the main page for the soil remineralizer:

Alternatively, Sea-90 can be purchased on Amazon, in different sizes depending on your needs:

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In conclusion, Sea-90 Ocean Minerals is a fantastic product for soil remineralization. Our research has shown that it contains over 90 minerals, salts and trace elements that are essential for plant growth and health.

Farmers and gardeners who want to improve their soil and crops can choose Sea-90. Sea-90 is all-natural and doesn't have harmful chemicals or synthetic additives.

One of the best things about Sea-90 is its versatility. It can be applied directly to the soil, dissolved in water and applied as a foliar spray, or mixed into livestock feed. This means that it can be used in a variety of settings, from large-scale agriculture to backyard gardening.

Another benefit of Sea-90 is that it is highly soluble in water, which means that plants can absorb its nutrients quickly and efficiently. This can lead to faster growth, increased yields, and healthier plants overall.

We strongly recommend Sea-90 Ocean Minerals to improve soil health and productivity. It contains natural ingredients and works well for those who care about crop quality and the soil's health.