We believe the key to human health is nutrition, and the key to nutrition is natural soil life.

Proper human nutrition is key building our bodies, families, and communities to meet their maximum potential.


“As for you, be fruitful and multiply; Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it.” - Genesis 9:7, NASB

Living systems have been created to bring and sustain life to all ecosystems on the earth through local nutrient cycling. Since the advent of the plow, and more recently chemical agriculture, these living systems have been interrupted or even destroyed, leading to desertification of the planet and decreasing nutrition in food.

Through techniques which encourage natural systems, we are able to bring this living web back to life and heal our planet locally, and then globally.


Through understanding of recent advances in science, we strive to innovate techniques, processes, and protocols to enable environments to maximize the potential of living systems.


While we do have products to sell, we will also share understanding and methods for low cost production techniques to all, to enable everybody to re-create these products in their own bio-regions and environments.